Member Information

Active Members:

Our active membership is comprised of retirees, contractors, engineers, accountants, college students, salesmen, and government workers who are inspectors, police officers and public workers. The requirements for becoming a member are that you must 18 years old, complete an application including a medical background check, pass the police background check, complete physical test and complete basic fire training school. There are twenty-eight (28) active members.

Junior Members:

Recently, we have instituted a Junior Firemen Program which is for young men and women, ages of 16 to 18. We have had a number of members in our first group go on to become active members. The Junior Firemen attend drills and answer fire calls. They attend fire school as well. There are presently four (4) juniors.


If you are interested in becoming a member of either group please call 973-228-6436.